This is the succulent plant that sits on my desk. He was a gift from Natalie. His presence is calming and peaceful, with his muted-green fleshy leaves. He keeps me company while I write in my journal in the morning or work on homework in the evening.
I love my desk. It is the one place in the house that is "mine." Though I love sharing a home with Natalie, it is good for me to have a space that I control. I can keep my desk tidy or let papers pile up. I can leave something and find it in the same place when I return. It is my little oasis. From my desk I can look out the window and see people walking on the sidewalk, on their way to work or school. I can see Natalie ride up on her bike and be there at the door to welcome her.
But life has been busy these past few days and there are little piles accumulating on my desk. Corners of receipts stick our of the checkbook, waiting to be recorded. Little to-do lists lie with boxes left to be checked in. Envelopes of photos and film are piled on my shelves, not yet put away. But the succulent plant still remains, calm and tranquil.